We are very excited to start our online workshops!

My hat brand started 10 years ago.

I turned my passion for hats designing into a profession by self-learning by trial and error. Each collection required me to discover how I turn my ideas from sketches into finished products that combine fashion and art. 

The knowledge I gained and my unconventional designs led me to teach courses and workshops all over the world. From London, Amsterdam, Madrid, New York, Chicago to Melbourne and Sydney.

The workshops allowed me to be exposed and get to know a lot of people and different design and artistic approaches. Each one improved and developed me and my techniques and abilities and what is done in the studio.

Following many inquiries and requests, we decided to turn the techniques I teach live into short and accessible online workshops, which will allow everyone, both experienced and those who do not come from the field of design, to experiment and create original works yourself with the help of detailed explanatory videos.

We released two online workshops. One teaches a method of designing a real flower attached to a hair bow, which adds a personal flavor of original creation to any outfit. The second course deals with the method I developed in the studio of silk work and design into a finished and strong hat that manages to preserve the properties of the silk, and provide it with strength and stability for a creation that will last for a long time.Let's implement ideas that sit in your head and only need the right techniques to become a real product.